Dear Classmates,


It was great to see all of you and your wives who attended the Class of 1963Ős Mid-Term Reunion in San Diego. I know that we echo all of you in again extending our special thanks to Chuck and June Stone and the San Diego reunion committee for all their hard efforts ensuring a most memorable reunion for all of us. If you were not able to get to San Diego, you were not forgotten and many tales retold featured you whether you were present or with us only in spirit.


We ended the weekend, following a terrific San Diego harbor cruise; an inspiring Marine Corps Recruit Graduation Parade with our own George Emery acting as reviewing officer; an illuminating and entertaining Class Luncheon featuring a presentation by USNA Academic Dean Andy Phillips, heartwarming Company social events and an energetic Class Championship Golf Tournament, with a wonderful Saturday evening soiree aboard the historic one-time San Francisco ferry Berkeley.


One of the most successful events was a Silent Auction, which raised almost $20,000 for our 50th Anniversary Legacy Gift. This adds considerably to our fundraising effort for our 50th reunion class gift in support of the Center for Academic Excellence.


We have already surpassed our initial fund raising goal of $1.963 million. Our goal is now to raise a sum, which when combined with our 40th Anniversary Legacy Gift, will total $6.3 million for this worthy endeavor, praised by the Naval Academy and prized by the Brigade of Midshipmen as having a direct impact on their ability to succeed at the Naval Academy and in later years.


This goal is achievable. If everyone dips his oar in the water and pulls together as we always have, we can do this. No contribution is too small as we reach for 100% class participation.


Many Classmates have asked how they can contribute to the Legacy Gift.


Most important, to count for the Legacy Gift, all pledges and contributions have to be clearly designated as "Restricted to the Class of 1963 Fund for the CAE".


Anyone who wishes to change the designation of any existing pledge or periodic contribution plan, please email and so direct.


Anyone who wishes to start a new pledge, the form is available for download on our website,


Anyone who wishes to designate residual funds from their estate, the form and instruction sheet are also available for download on our website,


Anyone who wishes to have their names inscribed on the Class of 1963 Academic Center Striper Plaque, information is similarly available on our website,


If you have questions about any of the foregoing, please call David Puckett, Ken Metviner, Dick Jones, or Chuck Stone (West Coast), whose phone numbers and email addresses are also on our website


We also invite your continuing attention to the Link in the Chain program, bonding us to the Class of 2013. Write ups and photos for the Bonds of Gold ceremony to be held on 26 April in Memorial Hall, where classmates donated rings are expected to be melted down for inclusion in the rings to be cast for the class of 2013, will be posted in coming days. Information on the entire Link in the Chain program is on our website, again,


As always, Quality 63





Spencer Johnson                                David Puckett

Class President                                     Class Foundation Chairman


Ken Metviner

Vice Foundation Chairman for Fundraising