USNA Class of '63

Electronic Lucky Bag: Fourth Battalion

Matthew Michael Gretchen

Windsor Heights, West Virginia

"Butch" came to the Naval Academy from Windsor Heights, West Virginia, and never stopped telling people about it. He spent a year of preparation for the Academy's curriculum at Wheeling College in Wheeling, West Virginia. Always a staunch and enthusiastic supporter of Brigade activities, "Gretch" participated in German Club and Newman Club. Because of a keen interest in scholarly pursuits, he always stood in the upper portion of his class and was among the very highest in the class in Mathematics. In addition, "Butch" managed to provide sufficient time from his studies to do extensive reading in literary and political fields and to further his interests along musical lines. An avid Pittsburgh Pirates and the West Virginia Mountaineers fan, he was a stalwart on company volleyball, fieldball and softball teams. Because of his ability to meet and get along with people, "Gretch" has made many friends here and will go a long way in the Service.

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Philip Stanley Gubbins

South Bend, Indiana

Phil came to the Naval Academy after one year at Indiana University. By means of his pleasant manner and winning personality he soon made a place for himself in the Brigade. His musical talents were readily discovered and put to good use in the Drum & Bugle Corps and the Concert Band. He quickly rose to the top of both organizations by displaying not only musical ability, but strong leadership qualities and a keen knack for organization. Popular with members of all classes throughout the Brigade, Phil could always be found with a smile on his face and a laugh under his belt, qualities that will take him far in any field he chooses. Upon graduation Phil plans on entering Submarine School, and there is no doubt that he will go straight to the top by way of the bottom. The Naval Service has an outstanding officer entering its ranks, and all members of the Brigade join his classmates in wishing him smooth sailing in the years ahead.

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George Robert Guest

Long Beach, California

Many of us think of George as an advertising member of the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce, since he will always tell you about life on the other coast. In his life as a mid he has had many interests and activities as exemplified by his fine record. The Superintendent's List saw George many times during his four years, his main academic interest being in science. By becoming a member of the Advanced Science and Mathematics Seminar, George broadened his outlook in science. In the sports field, one could find George playing third base for both the plebe and varsity baseball teams. Squash, football, volleyball, and golf interests made George a pretty hard fellow to get hold of at times. After leaving the Severn, George is looking forward to his Service career with anticipation and an eagerness to serve well.

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